Thursday 24 February 2011


Rotoscoped Muybridge Animal

To create this i used Adobe Flash CS4 Professional. After having some problems with importing my chosen video into flash, I managed to cut out the sequence photos from the video using Adobe Photoshop, and then put these in the correct order.
Then I created a blank layer above the images and drew over to create my rotoscope outlined mule. I chose this kind of style because I like how simple and elegant it looks, especially with the smooth fluid black lines on a clean crisp white background. I am very pleased with how this rotoscope turned out, and am glad i chose an uncommon video to use.


Stylised walk- Stomp

To create this stylised walk cycle I used Adobe After Effects, along with a basic, pre rendered puppet that I edited for the clothes hair etc to make him into a stereotypical 'nerd'

This character and his walk cycle are based on somebody that I went to school with, and I found animating his 'Stomp' to be both fun and a good way of teacing me how important little movements are to the overall effect. After making the first, last and middle frames, I went through the tweens to creat a nice stomp, and found the feet to be one of the most important characteristics to get right, as bending them to much makes him step in a very soft style, and not enough bend looks unatural for a stomp.


Run cycle

To create this run cycle I used Adobe After Effects, along with a basic, pre rendered puppet that I edited slightly (made the body slightly fatter and altered the head)

When creating this, it differed greatly from the walk cycle, ad I found this one more difficult. Although he starts and finishes in the same position for the loop, and has the middle position as oopposite to these, with a run cycle you leave the ground, so this then had to be intergrated in. I found this remarkable difficult to do without mkaing it look like my character was bouncing on the spot. Even then, I had to tweak small bends in the limbs when he lands to make it as natural as possible.


Standard walk cycle

To create this basic walk cycle Iused Adobe After Effects, along with a basic, pre rendered puppet that I edited slightly (made the body slightly fatter and altered the head)

Then I used the rotation tool to record (in keyframes) the movement of each limb. It starts and finishes in the exact same position so that it will creat a consistent loop through the walk. Then I edited the exact middle to be the reverse of the start- creating 2 steps. After this was done I wen back and inbetween the the steps, I edited the frames (tweens) to create the cross over of the legs, and then edited further to create a natural walk with bending of feet and lower legs in a natural way.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Standard Walk v1

Standard walk cycle one!

First version of my standard walk.
Used the methods taught during the lectures to create the 'contact points', the inbetweens and a few little adjustments along the way.
One thing I found difficult in this was trying to get the walk to look natural, especially the feet since they where oe of the last and least considered things, and yet they make such a big difference!

I plan on adding clothes and making the character interesting before uploading final walk cycle.

More to come for Run!